/(Unsplash, jo-szczepanska)
Nearing the end of our Citizen Experiment, our team began to brainstorm a list of words that encompassed our overall feelings and experience with our project. With words like discovery, journey, messy, experimenting, patience - the list goes on. However, one of the words that stood out to us in particular was: collaboration. While there are many ways of defining this word, to us, collaboration means more than simply "working together”. Collaboration often involves two or more groups which do not normally work together, bringing forward unique, yet applicable skills. Each of us brought expansive knowledge from various backgrounds, while still coming together on a mutual, core interest.
Countless hours have gone into the preparation of our citizen engagement piece, and we were able to come to the conclusion that collaboration amongst the performance art niches would be beneficial for everyone. During our panel presentations, our team learned of many event calendars available online to inform on events in Calgary. However, not all calendars are well known, accessed, and comprehensive. The information is scattered. A possible solution exists in the co-creation of a universal calendar in which many organizations can advertise their events. As well, the promotion and awareness of a universal calendar would be necessary.