A Journey
/(Unsplash, Eberhard Grossgasteiger)
The art cluster groups were formed early and by our second class the performing arts team was seated together, getting to know one another. The group is made up of a diverse set of students with different academic backgrounds and performing arts experiences. Each group member has a unique perspective about performing arts formed from personal experiences as an audience member, performer or production and crew. The mix of experiences, education and skills worked immensely well for us and allowed the group to hit the ground running.
The class schedule was organized to take us through the design process and each week we applied another layer to our design idea. Some weeks the process was smooth and our group moved forward many steps on our design. Other weeks the group felt stuck or confused; Where is the design going or how does this all fit? These stuck moments were uncomfortable, but also necessary for the group to push through. Each time we hit a roadblock, and there were many, the group pulled together, pivoted and kept going.
The support and guidance given to the groups by the artists, community members, professors and professionals that attended our class, was an integral component of the design process. The knowledge and experiences that were shared deepened our understanding of the cluster within Calgary and provided additional perspective.
Civic Innovation and the citizen experiment has been a journey for our group. Each step of the process has helped to develop our skills and abilities. The knowledge gained will guide us forward to be more effective civic and social innovators.