/Figure 1. Emerson College banner, by A. Dion, 2020.
I found Boston to be one of my favourite exemplar cities and I recently got to see it in person. One of the things I found interesting was that they had the most librarians in New England which Boston is located in. Before doing research on the creative economies in New England I had never thought of librarians as part of the creative economy. New England has the highest number of librarians which I think is due to there being some of the most renowned universities in the United States of America such as the Ivy Leagues. At the Ivy Leagues there are multiple libraries and in Boston there are multiple public libraries which all need to employ librarians. Another thing I found interesting is seeing how prominent the creative industries are in Boston, as Boston is not a well-known city to be full of the creative class sector. However fostering creative economies is integrated in the city planning. Before I went to Boston I never would have thought about researching its creative economy.