Biking in the Beltline


I had a fantastic time filming this project and couldn’t have gotten luckier with the January weather. Getting outside on rides like this has done wonders for my mental health over the past year, when other forms of activity have been restricted. Although I don’t have a dog, I think the frequency of my rides has lumped me in with dog walkers who always know what’s going on on their street. With regard to the stops I choose to highlight, I had a general awareness of most of them, but digging in and researching them, as well as examining them through the lenses of active, inclusive/exclusive, creative, and learning city was enlightening. I think there is some correlation between how densely populated the Beltline is and how many opportunities there are to be active and take in some art and history. Having never been in the Lougheed House before, I’m looking forward to a visit when health guidelines permit. I ended up adding commentary on extra BUMP murals that I happened to find along the way, because they’re everywhere! Check out this link to Engage Calgary’s site for the 14 & 15 Avenue SW Mobility Improvements I mentioned in the video. 

Benjamin D.