Niki’s Walk - Signal Hill

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Signal Hill is infamous for its Guinness world record, massive-numbering accomplishment. These numbers represent the battalion military groups' names - pre World War I. The creative, yet massive aesthetic is truly eye-opening to newcomers, and home to tens of thousands of residents year round.

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The monument located in the centre of the park area enacts the body of the entire hill. Here, you will find the true historical value of this location. Noted from the plaque on the landmark: WWI soldiers would train in their respected battalion group - (Each group represented by one of the numbers on the hill) - This was originally a military training base, which consisted (From what I could decipher from the image on the plaque) of all types of course-training.

The steppes leading down the hill connect all the way to the supercentre below, which is home to hundreds of grocery and commercial stores and services. These steppes are no ordinary incline, as tens of runners use them as training grounds for cardio. (Ironic that over 100 years later, Signal Hill can still be used as the active ground it was intended for).